How Will A Sober Companion Help Me?
How Will A Sober Companion Help Me?
A companion can help in a variety of ways. Many clients ask us how often and how many hours per day will my sober companion be with me. The answers to these questions can vary based on the needs of the individual client. Some clients only request part-time companionship.
Our specialty at Access Elite Sober Companions is providing 24-hour companion services.
If you are returning home from rehabilitation treatment we can be especially helpful. We can take the treatment back home with you. The majority of relapses occur when clients return home and leave the safety of a secure, sterilized drug-free environment.
Here are some of the ways a sober companion can help:
– Ensure a drug/alcohol-free environment, this includes private homes, personal vehicles, work offices, hotel rooms, etc.
– Safe transport to and from various appointments and locations throughout the day. We can provide a vehicle if requested by the client.
This is especially important for clients who will be living or working outside of their home state.
A companion can also provide safe reliable transport to treatment centers. The stress of navigating airports and highways during a crisis can be greatly reduced by having a professional experienced companion by your side.
– Help the client identify areas that may present triggers that could lead to relapse and discuss roadblocks that could hinder continued abstinence.
A companion can accompany clients to social, family, and work gatherings that could pose a threat to their sobriety/abstinence.
– Assisting in locating and attending recovery meetings in the area where the client will live and work.
– The sober companion can perform periodic drug testing/ breathalyzer testing to keep the client accountable.
– Work in conjunction with the client’s professional recovery support team. The team may include therapists, psychiatrists, and physicians.
We can also help place clients with appropriate clinicians if needed.
We have a vast network of experienced professionals we refer clients to.
– Respecting client confidentiality and performing our job as discreetly as possible is of the utmost importance to us.
– We try our best to place clients with age-appropriate/gender-appropriate companions at all times. Input and suggestions by concerned family members are always taken into consideration.